
Entity Definition

Logical Name : AssociatedMerchandiseHierarchyGroup
Physical Name : ST_ASCTN_MRHRC

An association between two MerchandiseHierarchies that establishes one as the higher and one as the lower level for summarizing item sales information.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
MerchandiseHierarchyFunctionID (FK)(PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the MerchandiseHierarchyFunction ID_MRHRC_FNC Identity integer MerchandiseHierarchyLevel(CO_MRHRC_LV)
ParentMerchandiseHierarchyGroupID (FK)(PK) Unique system assigned identifier for a group or class of merchandise. ID_MRHRC_GP_PRNT Identity integer MerchandiseHierarchyGroup(CO_MRHRC_GP)
ChildMerchandiseHierarchyGroupID (FK)(PK) Unique system assigned identifier for a group or class of merchandise. ID_MRHRC_GP_CHLD Identity integer MerchandiseHierarchyGroup(CO_MRHRC_GP)
ParentMerchandiseHierarchyLevelID (FK)(PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the Level within the merchandise hierarchy tree. ID_MRHRC_LV_PRNT Identity integer MerchandiseHierarchyLevel(CO_MRHRC_LV)
EffectiveDate The date and time from which the association is applicable. DC_EF EffectiveDate date
ExpirationDate The date and time until which the association is applicable. DC_EP ExpirationDate date


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
MerchandiseHierarchyLevel defines parent AssociatedMerchandiseHierarchyGroup
MerchandiseHierarchyGroup is summed into AssociatedMerchandiseHierarchyGroup
MerchandiseHierarchyGroup is a summary of AssociatedMerchandiseHierarchyGroup

Logical Views containing AssociatedMerchandiseHierarchyGroup

Logical View
Logical 01000 - Item Description - Macro View
Logical 01015 - Item Description - Apparel View
Logical 01040 - Item Description - Rental View
Logical 03200 - Reporting - Item Sales View
Logical 03300 - Reporting - Stock Ledger View
Logical 05100 - Taxation - Rules View
Logical 07010 - Customer Account Information Extended
Logical 07040 - Customer Segment Dependent Behavior
Logical 10200 - Enterprise - Merchandise View